Sunday, October 31, 2010

Section 4: 163-245

  • Rosemary no longer has the excruciating pain
  • she debates on baby names. The names she now is considering are Douglas, David or Andrew for a boy and Amanda, Jenny or Hope for a girl.
  • Hutch dies in his sleep on June 3rd, a Friday.
  • When she goes to his memorial she receives a book that Hutch has left for her. She also discovers that he practically forced himself out of his coma because he knew death was upon him to see that rosemary get the book and that she knows that the title of the book is an anagram. She decided to open when she was home and alone. 
  • The title of the book was All Of Them Witches by J.R.Hanslet. When she opens the book she finds underlined passages, one was "Devil's Pepper". It is a fungus that Hutch believed to be the Tannis Root from the charm she wears. He also underlined Adrian Marcato. Remembering the information about an anagram, Rosemary, tries to reword the title of the book. She comes short of a conclusion and goes ahead to read the passage Adrian Marcato where she learns about his son Steven, which is also underlined. She reads the bit about Steven and also tries to reword it, she does so until Steven Marcato transforms into Roman Castevet. She realizes that Roman is actually Steven, Adrian Mercado's son. 
  • Rosemary infers that the Castevet's and all of their friends are all apart of a coven, "all of them witches". She also begins to suspect her husband, Guy.
  • When Guy returns home Rosemary tells of her day and how Hutch left her the book. He pretty much tells her she's over reacting even though he comes to believe the part about Roman actually being Adrian Marcato's son, Steven. He takes the book from her and promises her she can read it another day, that she is too tired.  
  • Rosemary goes to the doctor where she discovers from Dr.Sapirstein that Roman doesn't have very long to live and that the Castevet's are leaving to travel to Roman's favorite places in the world before he dies. Rosemary is somewhat happy to hear of this and the doctor suspects this much.
  • Later Mrs. Castevet comes to confirm what she already knows about their departure. They help them pack and see them off.
  • While out, Rosemary sees Dominick Pozzo, Guys once upon a time voice coach. She thanks him for the tickets she got from him to see the Fantasticks, a play. he tells her that he did not give Guy those tickets as she thought. 
  • When she returns home she asks Guy about the tickets and wonders where he really got them. She wonders about Guys sudden success, why Guy threw away her book and concludes that he is one of "them". She reluctantly starts to believe that he is part of the coven.
  • She throws away the charm with the Tannis Root certain that there is some sort of magic tied to it, Devil's Pepper.
  • Later, Rosemary, packs her things and goes to see Dr. Sapirstein and when the receptionist noticed that Rosemary doesn't spell odd because of the root, the receptionist slips in that Dr. Sapirstein smells of the same thing only stronger. Rosemary then quickly gathers her things and leaves.
  • She calls Dr. Hill and begs to see him; he agrees. When she doe see him she tells him of her predicament and tells her that he will help and try to get her into Mount Sinai Hospital quickly if he can. He tells her to lay on the day bed and rest a while.She wakes up with Guy and Dr. Sapirstein around her and they forcibly bring her home although she is in disbelief. She just looks act Dr.Hill; she couldn't believe he did this. Rosemary, once home, tries to lock everyone out and is briefly successful. They eventually get through the bolted door and gives Rosemary a sedative without her permission; she also begins to go into labor. 
  • When she wakes up and asks for the baby they tell her that the baby,a boy, died of complications but was otherwise healthy. She doesn't believe them and they give her another sedative and she goes to sleep. When she still questions them they tell her that she is suffering from a "post-loosing-the baby" syndrome. 
  • Rosemary still produces breast-milk and Laura-Louise helps her by providing her a breast pump machine. Laura-Louise also takes the milk after she is done.
  • Rosemary starts to notice a baby crying and guy tells her that there are people on the eighth floor who just moved in and have a baby. Rosemary does not believe him because she has started to notice a sequence in which her breast are pumped when the crying stops and shortly after she is finished and the milk brought out, the crying ceases. She also decides that the crying is in fact coming from her floor, the seventh floor.
  • She stops taking the medicine that they give her daily and hide it under her mattress.
  • She decides that her baby is alive and that she will rescue him.
  • She remembers that her apartment was once apart the Castevet's and remembers the secret pass way through the fifth closet in her apartment. She infers that the baby is being kept in the Castevet's apartment.
  • When it is Leah's turn to watch over Rosemary, Rosemary slyly puts the eleven pills she refused to take into Leah's coffee. When Leah falls asleep, she grabs a knife and makes her way into the secret passage way and into the Castevet's apartment. She hears Mrs. Castevet's voice and then sees Roman. She concludes that they never did go to Europe. She sees the baby in a black bassinet. She is also spotted by someone and they act as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Rosemary sees Guy, she also sees a painting on the wall that reminds her of her dream the concludes that it wasn't a dream but reality. She goes over to the baby and marvels over his features until the baby opens his eyes. The baby's eyes are not normal and when she asks what they have done they say he has his father's eyes. She tells them that Guy has brown eyes. They go on to tell her that Satan is the baby's father. They tell her that the baby's name is Adrian Steven, after Adrian and Steven (Roman) Marcato. When Guy finally approaches her he pleads with her that this whole event did more good for them than bad and that they promised nothing bad would happen to her. She spits on him. While they go on and converse, Rosemary quietly thinks to herself a plan, she contemplates if she will throw the baby out the window and herself after it. She learns that they brought forth the baby so that he can do evil. They chant and say "Hail Satan" and say that God is dead and that Satan is the living Lord. She thinks she has to save the world for a moment. She's distracted by Laura-Louise's rampant rocking of the baby and asks to rock the baby herself. Laura- Louise is rude and Roman tells Laura-Louise to back off because the child is in fact Rosemary's baby also. Rosemary comes to be fond of the baby and have no problem it she decides to herself that the reason she was so angry at its' appearance is because she was shocked. She tries to comfort the baby and informs him that she is his mother. She tells him that his name will be Andrew John Woodhouse. Roman at first has a problem with it but soon gets past it. They all chant "Hail Satan", "Hail Andrew", and "Hail Rosemary". She tries to get Andrew to smile for her and another member of the coven videotapes the event.
After reading this concluding section I've decided that Rosemary so desperately wanted to have this baby that she was willing to do anything to keep that hope alive. Even though she tried and failed to go about this happening the best she could she still had the baby and after discovering the whole truth still made herself okay with this peculiar situation. This portion of the novel proves to me her determination to be a mother.

Additional Thoughts:

What additional happenings in this novel affect your life? Explain using examples.

Nothing in this book directly relates to my life; however, personally I do believe that things such as devil-worshiping and witchcraft exist. We lean about the Salem Witch Trials in school, the Voodoo religion among cultures as well as see such customs and beliefs portrayed all over television; we see this both in programs shown merely for entertainment as well as informative programs such as the Discovery Channel and History Channel. One might be left to believe such things are to an extent conceivable based on the threads of evidence before them. I am an example of such people; I believe such happenings exist; however, I do not practice them.

What Character is most like you? Why? Give evidence.

Hutch is the character who is most like me. When things aren't clearly explained or obvious,we both rely on intuition and knowledge to draw conclusions.In the novel, Hutch does nit with for Rosemary to move into the Bramford. He later questions her appearance when she is pregnant and looks sickly. He question's Roman, the black candles, and later uses his knowledge to make a conclusion which he tries to pass on to Rosemary.

What major events help to resolve the plot?

The major events that helped to resolve the plot where, number one, Rosemary's dream where she dreams she was intimate with a non-human being I believe that this was not in fact a dream but reality. Secondly, the Tannis Root charm that Mrs. Castevet gave Rosemary for good luck. I found it strange to give the belonging of the deceased, recently deceased at that, to someone else, someone who was not well known to the deceased. third, Hutch's sudden illness was a clue. Hutch had suddenly fallen ill when we wanted to share some information to her about what might actually be going on with her. All of the above happenings led me to believe that there was a conspiracy against Rosemary and her unborn child.

What message did you get from this novel? How was it conveyed?

The message I got from this novel was that sometimes people are willing to do and convince themselves of the most extreme things to benefit themselves in any way they can. Rosemary carried around the Tannis Root charm because she believed that it brought her good luck. She went along with Dr. Sapirstein's ridiculous treatments because she whole- heartedly wanted to believe that what she was experiencing throughout her pregnancy was normal. When the baby was born and she saw and learned of the baby's devilish features she pretty much convinced herself that it wasn't that bad. She let no obstacle break her hopes of becoming a mother. 

Why would or why would you not recommend this book to others? Be specific with examples.

I would recommend this book to others because it allows you to make your own inferences and assumptions as well as draw your own conclusions. Te pace of the novel steadily increases. The book provides a plethora of descriptive information and steady's the pace and as the book goes along and you learn more information the story speeds up and becomes more suspenseful. The book will have you thinking one thing and then another will happen. When I finsihed the book I was left with my jaw- dropped and wondering what was going to happen next. Levin, even after the story is finishes, leaves his audiences wondering and questioning what each character will do next. Reading this novel is like watching a movie, sometimes you can safely infer what will happen next and sometimes you will be wrong leaving you enticed and making you want to indulge yourself further into the story until the end. This story, from the beginning until the end, makes you want to read it from cover to cover. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Section 3: 115-162

  • Rosemary visits her new doctor and he basically not to listen to anyone or talk to anyone about her pregnancy but him. Rosemary starts experiences pain and he tells her that it''' go away soon. Dr. Sapirstein tells her that she will not take pills but will consume an organic herbal drink made by Mrs. Castevet and that she will drink it everyday and visit him every week.
  • Hutch visits Rosemary and finds her appearance frightening. She looks dull tired and thinks she is losing weight. She then tells him that she is pregnant, he then finds her physical appearance even more alarming. He mentions that something might be wrong and asks her what doctor she is seeing. When she tells him Dr. Sapirstein he tells her that the same doctor delivered two of his daughter's children.
  • Hutch and Roman who is Mr. Castevet meet for the first time. They talk a while and both depart. Hutch tells Rosemary to make sure she is perfectly healthy because she should be gaining instead of losing weight. He later calls her and asks to see her the next day.
  • When she goes out to seem, he does not show up. She decides to call and discovers that he had fallen into a coma and is not responding. 
  • Rosemary stops drinking the organic beverage that Mrs. Castevet had been making her.
  • Rosemary has been eating raw meet and tells Dr. Sapirstein and he tells her it's just a craving but she still tries to stop herself. 
  • Rosemary decides to have a party and is determined not to have the Castevets over because she fees they are smothering. Minnie, as Mrs. Castevet is called, tries many times to help with the party and Rosemary will not let her.
  • When Rosemary's friends come to the party they too find her appearance alarming and ask what's wrong. She tells them she's pregnant and also tells them of the sharp pain and what Dr. Sapirstein tells her.
  •  They say that she should see another doctor to get a second opinion because her predicament is odd and should be addressed by another doctor. 
  • Rosemary tells Guy that she is going back to see Dr. Hill to make sure what Dr. Sapirstein is right because she had been experiencing pain since early November and it is now Christmas time. He does not want to hear it and forbids her to go and says he refuses to pay for two doctors. She then says she will pay for it and in the middle of statement the pain ceases and Rosemary thinks she killed the baby. The baby starts kicking again but she no longer feels the pain and proclaim that she knows it wont come back so she decides she wont go see Dr. Hill after all.
Additional Thoughts: 

I think that the story is coming together and than the rising action is coming soon. I think that Rosemary should have stayed with Dr. Hill. I don't understand why Guy was so mad when she mentioned that she wanted to see him. I think the Castevet's did something to Guy. I don't think the baby that she is carrying is normal, I'm starting to think the baby is something supernatural. 

Additional Thoughts: 

Character Sketch's:

Rosemary i Pregnant, looks weak and tired.She tries to make everyone relatively happy.She is somewhat naive about what is happening around her. She thinks that something is strange about the Castevet's.She tries to be polite to the Castevet's, is loving towards Guy,reasons with Hutch,and trusts Dr. Sapirstein too much. She is important to this novel because she is the main character and the plot revolves around her and her pregnancy.I don't necessarily not like Rosemary but she so desperately wanted to get pregnant that now that she is, she believes Dr. Sapirstein when he is ridiculous.

Guy is described as handsome. He is self-centered ans selfish. He thinks that the Castevet's are great and that he has gotten his big break.To the Castevet's he is for lack of a better phrase, he loves them, Rosemary, her but is also selfish and self-centered towards her,and is slowly becoming more angry. He is important to this novel because his character has changed since becoming close with the Castevet's and that seems to be playing a big role in Rosemary's life. What she does and doesn't do and so on. I do not like this character because his demeanor changed for the worst and I am not sure if he is aware of it or not.

Hutch is middle-aged.He warns Rosemary and speaks his mind to her
He thinks that rosemary should not move into the Bramford, thinks that rosemary in not healthy and should go to another doctor.To Rosemary and Guy he is  friendly.Hutch is important to this novel because I believe hutch to be the voice of reasoning.I like Hutch because I think that he is the only character that can see through the illusion that is taking place. I think that he is the only one so far who can see clearly what is going on. 

Mrs. Castevet is good looking for her age.He Secretive and nosey. He is slightly invasive when it comes to Rosemary she tries to do everything
He thinks that is her responsibility to make sure Rosemary is cared for properly throughout her pregnancy. To Guy Friendly, Rosemary, protective
She is important to this novel because takes care and is protective of Rosemary. She also knows something that everyone else doesn't. I do not like this character because she seems to have a secret motive.

Mr. Castevet is good looking for his age. He checks in on Rosemary to the point where it becomes annoying. He thinks that is his as well as him wife's responsibility to make sure Rosemary is cared for properly throughout her pregnancy. To Guy he is  Friendly, Rosemary, protective,and Hutch, intrigued
He is important to this novel because takes care and is protective of Rosemary. He also knows something that everyone else doesn't. I do not like this character because she seems to have a secret motive.

Section 2: 52-114

  • Rosemary and guy have dinner with the Castevets. Guy surprisingly likes speaking wit Mr. Castevet and finds his conversation interesting. 
  • Mr. Castevet tells how he has traveled everywhere.
  • The pope is in New York City and they speak about his arrival.
  • When they return home rosemary thinks to herself how she will get pregnant by "accident" because Guy claims he isn't ready yet. She thinks to herself that if they were living together and not married that she would be pregnant already. 
  • Mrs. Castevet brings her friend Laura- Louise over to Rosemary's apartment after Laura-Louise has already met Guy due to the fact that Guy went on another visit to see Mr.Castevet. Laura- Louise meets Rosemary.
  • Mrs. Castevet gives Rosemary the chain/locket that used to belong to Terry and Rosemary awkwardly accepts it.
  • Guy gets a call from the studio of the place where he was competing for. The actor who originally got the part has somehow becomes blind and Guy is given the part. He becomes quiet but soon apologizes and tells Rosemary he's ready to have a baby and tells her when her most fertile days are so that they can accomplish their goal.
  • Rosemary prepares a meal for Guy and herself. Guy forgets the dessert but like a superhero saving the say, Mrs. Castevet, has made chocolate mousse in abundance and has two spare servings and gives them to Guy. Guy finds it tasty and Rosemary thinks it taste's strange.
  • Rosemary goes to lie down, faints, and drifts off to sleep unwillingly because she still wants to have "baby night". Rosemary has a dream that she was being raped during some sort of ritual and wakes up discovering scars on her body, she then finds out that Guy had sex with her while she was asleep. He lightly blames it on the alcohol they drank the night before and justifies his actions saying he thought that was what she would have wanted. Rosemary is not comfortable with the idea of Guy doing that.
  • Rosemary misses her period and Guy suspects she is pregnant. Rosemary does not wish to push her luck. She makes a bet that her period will come by the next day. She loses the bet; her period does not come. 
  • Rosemary visits Dr. Hill and  he confirms she is pregnant; Rosemary is happy. 
  • Rosemary tells Guy and he tells the Castevets who refer her to another doctor; Dr. Abe Sapirstein.

Additional Thoughts:

I think that the plot is coming together well. I believe that the Castevet's are trying to manipulate Rosemary and her pregnancy. I think that the dream will some how come back in the end of the book and lead into the rising action. I think that something had happened to Guy also, he is acting very strange. 
Additional thoughts:

Comment on the style of the novel. Is it easy or is it hard to understand? Why? How does it compare to anything else we have read in novel class?

The book is very straight forward and easy to read. There are a few phrases and terms that I am not particularly familiar with, but I believe that to be because of the time period in which the book was written. This novel, compared     to others we have read, would be most like Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Kate Chopin's The Storm. They are all relatively easy to read with a few phrases that native to the time period in which the book was written as well as the stories settings.

What message or main theme seems to be developing? How do you know? Give specific quotes from the novel to show.

So far, the message that seems to be developing as I read is that many of the people around Rosemary greatly influence her whether it be through her actions, thoughts, or decisions, whether she realizes or not. I know this because for example, while spending an evening with Rosemary, religion is discussed. Rosemary was brought up catholic but has strayed away over time although she still retains some beliefs. When asked about the Pope's visit to New York City, rosemary responds to a question about his "holy-ness" saying, ' i guess I've been conditioned to have respect for him and I still do, even if I don't think he's holy anymore (page 56). This, Rosemary's response comes after the Castevet's as well as Guy agree that the Pope in not holy. Rosemary later talks to her sister who is shocked that she did not go out to see the Pope when there are people in Omaha, which is where Rosemary is from, that are taking planes to visit. Her sister expects it because Rosemary married, Guy, a Protestant. This instances prove that depending on who she is around shape her thoughts and actions.

Describe any new characters. What is their purpose?

A friend of Mrs. Castevet, Laura-Louise, is introduced. I think she knows a lot about what is really going on. I think that she knows a certain secret  that will be uncovered later on in the novel. She is cautious of what she says, but has the occasional slip-up. I think her purpose, all though she has a brief role so far, is to give Rosemary hints about whats going on, mostly because of her slip-ups.

Dr. Hill is the initial doctor that Rosemary visits who confirms that she is pregnant, which she of course has been hoping all along. His purpose isn't clear so far but I think that she is going to end up wanting to see him if the other doctor doesn't work out.

Dr. Abe Sapirstein is also introduced. I believe  his purpose is becoming Rosemary's new doctor. I think he is part of the big secret also, and that he is going to somewhat play a major part in the novel, and will lead to the rising action. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Section 1: Pages 1-51

  • The Main Characters, Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse are introduced. They are a married couple. The pair have signed a lease on an apartment only to find out that there is an apartment open in the Bramford which is where Rosemary has always wanted to live. The setting is in the early 60's.
  • The Woodhouse's have an appointment with Mrs.Cortez who made the date for them to view the apartment. She instructs them to go to the Bramford at eleven- thirty and to find Mr.Micklas or Jerome. She tells them to introduce themselves as the party she sent to view apartment 7E.
  •  Guy is an actor.
  • Mr. Micklas is described as small and dapper missing fingers from both hands
  • The apartment they are shown has four rooms, tow baths and five closets.
  • Rosemary hopes to turn one of the rooms into a nursery in the future.
  • Mr. Micklas tells the Woodhouse's of the apartments previous owner Mrs. Gardenia. He tells them how she recently passed. Rosemary asks if she died in the apartment in which Mr.Micklas replies no. Mrs. Gardenia died peacefully in her sleep from a coma in the hospital. 
  • They discover Mrs. Gardenia covered up one of the five closets. Once found the Woodhouse's feel that Mrs.Gardenia's son should be the one to open it. Mr. Micklas insists that he is to show the apartment in its entirety. Once opened they discover a vacuum and towels.
  • Rosemary sees a few items from the apartment that she would like to keep and asks Mr. Micklas to ask Mrs.Gardenia's son about them.
  • As they are departing they are told that Mrs.Cortez will give them until two-thirty to make a decision; if she hadn't heard from them by then she would call the next party on the waiting list. 
  • Rosemary and Guy Go to The Russian Tea Room, A Cafe, and there they make the decision to take up the offer on the Bramford. They Call Mrs.Cortez and make an appointment with her to finalize. 
  • Guy fabricates a story to get out of the lease they had previously made on the other apartment.
  • The Woodhouse's meet with Hutch, a friend of Rosemary, for dinner. He cautions of the Bramford and tells them stories. He tells them of the numerous suicides, of the "Brams" bad reputation, of the Trench sisters who were occasional cannibals who once ate a niece. He tells them of Adrian Marcato who practiced witchcraft, and of a baby who was found dead, wrapped in newspaper in the Bramford's basement.
  • Rosemary seems a bit uneasy and Guy tries to rationalize the events.
  • Rosemary asks Hutch if he really feels that they should not move their even though she has no intentions of backing out. He replies to her question telling her that he broke of a perfectly good date to "say his say". 
  • Hutch tries to usher them into moving somewhere else which does not work.
  • The apartment gets painted and apartment is prepared. 
  • The Woodhouse's meet the Gouls in 7F, a pleasant elderly couple, the German-accented Bruhns and their son Walter in 7C, The Kelloggs in 7G, Mr.Stein in 7H, the Messrs, Dubin and DeVore a gay couple in 7B, the Kapps in 7D, and the unseen Castevet's in 7A.
  • In the laundry room Rosemary meets Terry Gionoffrio, who she mistakes for an actress named Anna Marie Alberghetti because of a resemblance. The two talk and Rosemary finds out that Terry stays with the Castevets. Terry tells Rosemary how the Castevet's found her on the streets sick on dope and homeless. She tells Rosemary how they took her in like a daughter and made her better and that they are paying for her to go back to secretary school and that she will one day pay them back. 
  • Terry shows Rosemary a charm in a locket that Mrs. Castevet had given her. The two decide to come back together to get the laundry since it is finished because they are both scared of being in the basement alone. Once back in her apartment, Rosemary finds a slightly agitated Guy who is going on about a part that he was in competition for. He makes funof the other actor's name where I found out that Guy changed his own name; it was originally Sherman Peden.
  • Rosemary calls Hutch and reports to him about her settlement in the apartment. She tells him of Terry and that all is going well.
  • On Friday night, September 17th, Guy and Rosemary return home from a night out and discover a crowd of about twenty people when they see policemen. They see an officer cover a body. Rosemary sees that it is the body of Terry. Terry apparently committed suicide. The officer asks for any information about the girl and Rosemary helps by answering a few questions. 
  • The Castevet's arrive shortly after Rosemary answers questions. An officer goes over to them. This is the first time that Rosemary has seen the Castevet's. When they receive the news they are in disbelief and once they see the body they are confirmed. Mrs. Castevet becomes slightly emotional an Mr.Castevet seems a bit impartial. Mrs. Castevet tries to rationalize that it was an accident, that terry was cleaning, until the officer brings forth a note that Terry left.
  • The Woodhouse's retire to their apartment and Rosemary overhears or dreams a conversation between the Castevet's. She hears Sister Agnes say "all she has to be is young, healthy, and not a virgin". This did not make sense to her so he turned over and it was Saturday afternoon. 
  • On the following Monday morning, Rosemary is greeted by Mrs. Castevet who thanks her for her comforting remarks the night Terry died, where rosemary said terry spoke highly of the Castevet's.
  •  Mrs.Castevet tells Rosemary that Terry was cremated not in a ceremony because that is how Terry would have wanted it.
  • Rosemary gives a tour of the apartment and Mrs.Castevet asks a series of questions. Mrs. Castevet acknowledges her "nosey-ness" and apologizes for it but continues with the questions. Mrs. Castevet invites Rosemary and her husband over for dinner and says it would be nice to have company because it would be the first time they'd be alone since Terry's death. Rosemary agrees to the diner date. When guy arrives he confirms that he did not get the part he was in competition for. When Rosemary tells him of the plans for dinner he is skeptical but soon decides it will be his "good deed" for the day and agrees with the understanding that they will notify the Castevet's that dinner would be a one time deal.
Additional Thoughts:

Why did I choose this novel?

I chose this novel because it falls under the genre of books that I normally read. I initially wanted to read Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, but could not find it. Then I wanted to read Henry James' Turn Of The Screw, but was not able to. So I found Rosemary's Baby which was coincidently was referenced by Truman Capote to be " A darkly brilliant tale of modern deviltry that, like James, Turn Of The Screw, induces to believe the unbelievable..". I felt that since it was mentioned by the author who's book I wanted to read who also referenced my other book choice, that this book would be great for me to read. I've also heard the title a few times so I figured it would be good.

Who is telling the story? Point Of View? Do you trust the narrator?

The story is being told by a narrator and it is in first person omniscient. I do trust the narrator at this point because the story is not being told from a character which if was the case might give me only their point of view. The way the story is being told is what I think sort of a bird's eye view. 

Describe the Setting.

The setting is New York City during the early 1960s. The location where most of the story takes place is the Bramford which is a living complex comprised of apartments.

Who are The Main Characters and what problems so they face?

Rosemary Woodhouse- wants to move into the Bramford and also wished to become pregnant

Guy Woodhouse-  Rosemary's Husband who is trying to become established in the acing world but is finding it difficult to land a big role to get him to his peak 

Mr Hutch- Rosemary's friend who fails to grasp her attention how he wants to 

Mister and Misses Castevet- neighbors of the Woodhouse's they wish to befriend the Woodhouse's 

What do you predict will happen? Why do you predict this?

I predict that the Castevet's are going to be a big part of this story because they are brought up quite a bit in this first section. I think the Rosemary will in fact become pregnant, one, because the title of the book is Rosemary's Baby, two, she wants to become pregnant very much; therefore i think she will do what she has to do to achieve this goal. I also think that Guy will become mean because he is frustrated that he has not found a role so far.